Coloring contest and X-mas bunker are …live!

Every year I think I am going to have this ready in advance and every year it sneaks up on me…maybe because my subconscious would rather just ignore the whole season. In any case the ARSENIC LULLABY X-MAS BOMB SHELTER IS OPEN    Arsenic Lullaby Comics, bogs, podcasts, and stuff to… Continue reading

Dutch Comic-Con part 2 in a series

When we last left our hero, he had been invited to be a guest at Dutch X-mas con! That’s about as much as I told you…because that’s about as much as I knew.  Initially, there isn’t too much I have to know.  I’ve been doing this awhile and whether I’m… Continue reading

In case you weren’t mortified enough…I will be representing the U.S. at the Dutch X-mas Comic-con

Just in case you weren’t mortified about Trump representing the U.S.A overseas, I will be at Dutch X-mas Con this December!  And I’m gonna be grabbing all the…windmills…or cheese, or whatever it’s inappropriate to grab over there. And I’m gonna say “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” while I do it!  I’m gonna let… Continue reading

The X-mas Bomb shelter is coming…

The election is over and it is time for us to unite as a nation…in loathing the holidays. That means the Arsenic Lullaby X-mas Bomb Shelter is returning… That means the Podcasts are returning The best of X-mas rants/blogs are returning Arsenic Lullaby X-mas comics are returning AND THE ARSENIC… Continue reading

Making prints and sperm deathing

It just wouldn’t be Christmas if my apartment didn’t look like Charles Manson was running an arts and crafts class. Or… and that’s how you do that. Hey remember a couple years ago I made like 100 hand painted ornaments from a cast/mold from a sculpture I sculpted?  Those were… Continue reading

Krampus print set

Still busy, so this blog’s gonna be light on the charm. Krampus Prints, done, get them. the end. …maybe that was a little curt… These turned out pretty good.  Real different compositions and strengths to the different Krampus prints this year. Last year I couldn’t make up my mind on… Continue reading

Updates, Gifts, and Coloring contest

I’m busy as hell so I’ll just give you the bullet points and links. The ARSENIC LULLABY X-MAS BOMB SHELTER IS OPEN Blogs, Podcasts, and comics to keep you busy until the holidays are over. All your gift giving needs can be taken care of at our ONLINE STORE  Coupon… Continue reading

I just spilled a dozen eggs…and here’s some art

 **arseniclullaby X-mas Bomb Shelter is Open*** ***STARTING FRIDAY…THE 2ND ANNUAL COLORING CONTEST, GET YOUR CRAYONS READY!*** Yeah, I bet you wanna know what you’ll be coloring? I’ll show you…in a minute…because I just knocked a dozen eggs on the floor.  Just now, like just before spell checking this blog (the… Continue reading

When I am trying to offend you…trust me, you’ll KNOW IT.

The Arsenic Lullaby X-mas Bomb Shelter is OPEN. I purposely use “X-mas” instead of  “Christmas”.  I had a fellow bust my chops a couple of times for this on Facebook…I didn’t make much of it until I started getting more emails complaining that I am somehow part of taking the… Continue reading

get some of my work before I am senile

Coupon code – birthday- is good for 25% off until Nov 25.  Code -bah- for 5.00 off ,  and code – humbug- for 20% off are good until Jan 1 2016 Getting old sucks. Getting old sucks a big hard one.  It sucks a big fat, veiny… Once you… Continue reading

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