This weeks Blog from Josh Goguen- the new Terminator is going to suck

We are proud to present the fourth of the four horsemen of the A.L. rantfest, comedian Josh Goguen.   Josh is a comedian who has performed in NY, Philly, NC, and a bunch of other places. He is also helped produce the Arsenic Lullaby pilot cartoon, did voice acting, helped me… Continue reading

amazing life hack, historical fact, video you gotta see, cartoon character, quiz dating advice! woooo!

Every time I turn on the internet I hate it more.  What world is everyone living in where this crap is actually interesting to them? “life hacks” useless trivia, dumbass videos, isn’t that why everyone left Myspace in the first place?  Okay fine…I can do this Hey, here’s some life… Continue reading

the rest of you, try to understand …nobody got shot over a cartoon.

I would FIRST off like you to all stop making fools out of yourselves. Let me hit two quick points then onto the larger issue. 1- this is not a 1st amendment issue.  This is in FRANCE they have no 1st amendment.  2-This is not a free speech issue.  The… Continue reading

Before you hashtag your Muslim cartoon do us all a favor -READ THIS

  Tragedy is not an opportunity for you to feel important or pretend you are something you are not. or Can’t you just call them murdering swine without thinking that doing so makes you a hero? This week some french Cartoonist was targeted by extremest assholes for murder because of… Continue reading

This weeks Blog from Mike Bobbit- He met someone famous

I recently worked with another comedian and we started talking about the best and worst people with whom we’ve had to work. My list is made up of legitimately terrible people.  I don’t care if they’re funny or not.  They’re people who off stage are monsters.  One lied about having… Continue reading

I am NOT old and you will PAY!

DAMN YOU “oldies” station!  Listen to me right now…a song that came out when I was in high school is NOT an “oldie”.  YOU HEAR ME!?  Into the great wide open by Tom Petty is not an “oldie” nor is it a “classic”.  Johnny Depp was in the video for… Continue reading

This weeks insight from Mike Bobbitt! The Star Wars you never knew

Ladies and gentleman, we are proud to welcome Mike Bobbitt to the A.L. front lines!  Mike is a comedian from Detroit who recently moved to L.A. to cross swords, and make his bones as a gen-you-wine Hollywood writer.  Mike is a good egg, and he’s going to be on here… Continue reading

my plan to turn my X-mas around

Here’s another “best of ” blog from a x-mas past.  Doug conceiving of a plan to learn how to enjoy X-mas. I…am just a man…. Another Christmas is creeping up. Another year to reflect on how far off course my life is and all the foolish decisions that have lead… Continue reading

The Holidays are a kick in the back while you watch someone else smile

The Holidays are a kick in the back while you watch someone else smile not for everyone, but for some of us.  That’s what it is you watch other people smiling and x-mas sneaks up and kicks you..not in the ass…sort of just below the kidney. So, every time it… Continue reading

Mike Bobbitt, Fear and Loathing in LA

Ladies and gentleman, we are proud to welcome Mike Bobbitt to the A.L. front lines.  Mike is a comedian from Detroit who recently moved to L.A. to cross swords, and make his bones as a gen-you-wine Hollywood writer.  Mike is a good egg, and he’s going to be on here… Continue reading

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