


Along with comics, blogs and other anti-holiday related content, we have brought back the podcasts!  All the stories too long for Doug to type or complaining that he feels just using ALL CAPS doesn’t do justice too, will be on the semi weekly podcasts.  You can find the news ones as well as some real good “best of” podcasts at the link below.  The time Doug gave CPR to a dog, the time the anti terrorist task force showed up at his house, Doug trying to talk his producer into a suicide pact…those and many other tales from the strange life of a strange man.



Theoretically …you should be able to hear a recent one below, but this is the first time we tried to imbed one on this blog page.  IF it works you’ll get to hear all about Doug’s neighbor overdosing on drugs and laying there on the carpet DEAD for several days…merry Christmas.  If this doesn’t work just go to the link above.



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