Attention fellow illustrators…grow up.

I go home and I think about you, and I laugh I saw a blurb on my Facebook feed the other night that makes my opportunities to slither out of this industry into larger mediums all the more satisfying.  If nothing else I won’t be in the same field as… Continue reading

career advice

The cream forces itself to the top. I’ve been a writer and illustrator for a while now, and my independently published comic Arsenic Lullaby has become a benchmark of sorts.  Somewhere along the way I have  unwittingly graduated from loud mouth punk to elder statesman in the eyes of peers… Continue reading

Marvel finally butchers something I liked…

Up to now I have been able to watch with glee as Marvel and DC and others butcher, bastardize, and homogenize your childhood favorites.  Hahaha I laughed to myself as they made the Human Torch black, (which by the way ,Marvel, is ripe for racist jokes about how he’s burned… Continue reading

There is a reason it is good.

Illustrating a comic book means telling a story with words and pictures. The better someone is at this, the  better they are using words, pictures, and panels…and camera angles, vanishing points, backgrounds, panel composition and overall page composition…and about a dozen other techniques, for making a compelling story that draws… Continue reading

We EARN your cash

Before you spend one more red cent on a comic book owned by a giant corporation, that doesn’t give a rats ass about the characters you know and love, the continuity of the mythos you grew up with, how much they are overcharging you, or even the quality of their… Continue reading

The culture of “suck it up”

      “The culture of suck it up”     I hear politicians say a lot of things…and I have at some point reached the age where…frankly I just don’t give a rats ass. Gay Marriage, abortion, health care…I don’t care anymore. I don’t. And it’s not worth my… Continue reading

once more with feeling- Arsenic Lullaby on Comedy Central’s TRIPTANK

Okay, brief recap.  The studio behind TRIPTANK approached me a while ago to pitch ideas for their new animated series.  I sent them a few, the picked one, I wrote the script and they took it from there. Now, I know you are anxious to see it and be entertained,… Continue reading


  ΔΗΛΗΤΗΡΙΩΔΕΣ ΝΑΝΟΥΡΙΣΜΑ με κάθε δύναμη! Σε περίπτωση που δεν το πήρατε χαμπάρι, να τι συμβαίνει με το ΔΗΛΗΤΗΡΙΩΔΕΣ ΝΑΝΟΥΡΙΣΜΑ ή «Arsenic Lullaby», όπως λέγεται στις ΗΠΑ. Το Comedy Central ξεκίνησε μια νέα σειρά με τίτλο «TripTank», όπου βασικά βλέπουμε ένα σωρό σύντομα κινούμενα σχέδια που τα φτιάχνουν ένα σωρό… Continue reading

Well, would ya look at that.

Bribing you with sneak previews has been working pretty well…so, again…here is what I need you to know this week (then a color cover)   Arsenic Lullaby contaminates Comedy Central’s Trip Tank Comedy Central has recently launched a new animated series called TRIP TANK.  The duo behind Robot Chicken developed… Continue reading is the big day…

as I write this I am less that 24hrs away from my segment appearing on Comedy Central’s TRIP TANK. … That’s a pretty big event for some jerk in Milwaukee. I was talking with a friend of mine and he asked if I was going to have a big get… Continue reading

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