Dave vs Human Resources

This weeks Blog from Dave the Black Guy!

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Inhuman and UN-Resourceful

Who wants a rant?! Are you ready for a rant? Too bad, because you’re getting one anyway. I am going to rant about the bane of our existence and the reason unemployment is so high. Human Resources. The blame for most everything wrong with the workplace can be laid at the feet of the Human Resource department.

I’ll let you in on a little secret, Human Resources is the department that every work place absolutely does not need. You see Satan dreamed up this little field to bring down our economy. Human Resources can only exist when there is rampant unemployment, and these spawns of Lucifer are trained to make sure you don’t get a job.

Back in the good times before Human Resources people would go to a business and interview with the person that would be their boss. What? The person most qualified to interview you was actually asking the questions? It wasn’t someone who knew absolutely nothing about what you would be doing? I hate interviews because it’s all mind games and riddles now. These HR people developed a whole system of asking questions that have nothing to do with the job. Because they want to see what kind of ‘person’ you are and if you’ll ‘fit’ with the company, not if you can do the damn job!!
HR is designed to interview people, and the only way they can make sure that they stay working is making sure you don’t get hired. If everybody got hired HR is out of business.


Look at job training, used to be if the boss thought you could do the job HE WOULD TRAIN YOU! But then HR came along and said that we can’t do on the job training, you need to go to college to learn how to work here. Then when people started pouring out of colleges with degrees looking for jobs HR came along and said you need experience. Experience? Doing the same thing I trained for and now want a job doing? Sure let me hope in my time machine and go ahead and work here for 20 years and come back and apply when I have experience!

HR is the Devil! The Devil I say! Anyone who works in HR is in league with Beelzebub. Unless you’re reading my blog and work in HR. In that case, you’re cool, I’m just talking about that bitch Sherry in HR. Seriously, fuck her.


Dave, the Black Guy

You can like Dave on Facebook here, follow him on Twitter here, and see him at the Comedy cafe and other venues…for times and dates check his FB or twitter!

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