Goodby 2016 you heartless %&#@ucker

2016…I’m glad that’s over A bunch of beloved entertainers died this year…if one of them was someone you admired, consider yourself fortunate.  First, they could have lived long enough for your entire view of them to be ruined forever (Bill Cosby). Second, they died ahead of the giant wave of… Continue reading

You gotta have hope, y’know?

People read my work and often assume I had some miserable childhood.  That’s not the case.  My childhood was more or less pretty good.  Christmas was always a high point.  I loved (and still do) everything about it.  The gifts, the decorations, the music, the noise, the wrapping paper, decorating… Continue reading

X-MAS COLORING CONTEST PART2 -contestants so far

The Holidays can  be a real punch in the groin.  I’ve found that staying busy can help.  No problems there this year, I’ve had my hands full preparing for and going to a Comic-con In the Netherlands, and have come home to a big fat burning deadline…so I haven’t had… Continue reading

Dutch Comic-Con Part 3 in a series -Making the Exclusive

Part 3 – Making the Exclusive Info on Dutch Xmas Con HERE When we last left our hero he had surveyed the landscape of previous Dutch Comic-Cons and judged them to be serious business. These people know how to put on a Comic-con, and the people who go appear to… Continue reading

Coloring contest and X-mas bunker are …live!

Every year I think I am going to have this ready in advance and every year it sneaks up on me…maybe because my subconscious would rather just ignore the whole season. In any case the ARSENIC LULLABY X-MAS BOMB SHELTER IS OPEN    Arsenic Lullaby Comics, bogs, podcasts, and stuff to… Continue reading

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