We missed I don’t even know how many “updates” to the program that this blog is made on. Webmaster Joe was busy af, because he’s an IT guy and he whole world was working from home…thus the whole world was calling him because, they got a virus on their laptop and can’t fathom how they got it, or don’t know how to use a laptop or…who knows what. I don’t remember alla the stuff he was bitching about.
And I was fine with just using HIVE as my blog platform…so fast forward to now… and we have a blog here that is full of errors, missing pictures and that sort of thing.
I’m going to try ( possibly not very hard) to get all of that cleaned up.
In the meantime I blog on Hive pretty often. It’s for a more general audience, so I’m slightly less of a lunatic there. Slightly.
I think…THINK…I turned off the setting that send every blog to the blog subscribers, so all of you wouldn’t get this as an email…since it’s not anything anyone going directly to the blog needs to see. So, if this did end up in your inbox, sorry. Here’s a shot of something I was working on to make up for it.
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