

Every year on the
social media of artists (pro or aspiring pros or
amateurs) Inktober. Where they...ink things, and
post them. The obvious needed ingredient is
something to ink. Of Couse one can draw their
own picture and ink it...but that's not quite
the role of an inker. Most times the inker is
inking someone else's work.
To that end,
I have a bunch of modified versions of recent work that you can
download and print out and ink yourself! Each has been dialed
back to "non-photo blue" so you can attempt to ink over the pre
drawn lines just like the pros do! ( the single
images fit on a standard paper size. If you have the means to enlarge
or reduce the images, feel free to do so)
***ALWAYS...ALWAYS...always run a virus check
before you download anything from anyone. Even
if you know it is legit, even if you know them
personally. You never know what degenerate vile
pages they have been on and gotten some virus
Personally, I use
smooth Bristol board Higgins Black Magic ink,
and Winsor & Newton series 7 no.0 brush. And
that is all I use...just a brush, no pens, no
quill tips. (For those of you who have
never done any art without a stylus
and a pad, below is the brush I use...the thing
next to it is a pencil)

NORMALLY, I demand you also use some form of
traditional tools to ink our inking contest.
HOWEVER, this time around I'll not be such a
zealot. Go right ahead and ink these digitally
if you think that'll work better. I don't think
it will, I think it will have less life, energy
and charm, BUT...why not let's all see if that
is actually the case in 2022!
Ink these
traditionally of digitally.
Everyone who
participates (and give an honest effort) will
get an autographed copy of an issue of Arsenic
Lullaby. WINNERS, one from each
catagory, will get an issues with a sketch on
the back. with a sketch on it
(something like this one below) and an
autogrpahed copy of a back issue of Mad Magazine

AND...a grand prize winner will get this original
art...it is riddled with errors, smudges and
white out.

Deadline Nov.1st
send entries to
douglaspasz -at- arseniclullabies.com
approach this
however you like, but the job of the professional inker it not
to wildly change the image when inking by adding his own style.
The inks should more or less look like the style they were drawn
it. But hey, we're
just doing this for fun anyhow, so just have fun.
Some of
these lines may seem impossible...but they ain't. I did
every line here, free hand, with a brush. You don't have
to do it that way...and I really don't even recommend that (
there are a lot of lines here that it would have been smarter to
use a pen and straight edge...but I'm stubborn, and also to lazy
to go get a straight edge once I'm inking)
Right click on images to download file of
images at the size I inked them

Right click on images to download file of images
at the size I inked them

Right click on images to download file of images
at the size I inked them

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