Project "R" part 2
When last we spoke I showed you some start to finish
illustrating on a secret project I've been working on.
Should be able to give you more details pretty soon, but for
now the guideline I've been given as far as what I can show
online is - don't show too much, don't show all of the main
That's pretty vague...vague enough to show you damn near
everything on each illustration....so...let's dig into the
drawing up of pin up/ splash page no2 of 3

Another fairly standard layout, the heroes fighting waves of
enemies, so much so that they are standing on the bodies of the
waves they have already "dispatched".
I toyed with the idea of no background on this, but couldn't
bring myself to leave it that way and added some sci-fi
containment tubes of some sort. Planned on having body parts of
earth people or animals, but then though to myself "meh...I'll
just let the colorist make some weird glowing liquid in there."
Also, at this point wasn't totally sure what the characters
would be wearing at this stage in the story so I just penciled
the bugger with empty tubes and no central figures..for the sake
of continuing to move forward. He we go with the final penciled
The sketches are usually 4x6 inches or close to it, the final
piece is 11x17
Pretty okay, nice to do one that doesn't have all sorts of
complicated stuff in the background or need any tricky vanishing
point techniques. Going to be a bit of a challenge to ink. Onto
and....some more inking
At this point I was pretty sick of inking and decided to back
up and add those figures. Got a little direction on what they'd
be wearing...and off I went.
It's a good thing I didn't go to much farther with the ink
because as I add these I'm seeing that I may want to white out
that aliens hand and move it a bit. I dunno...sometimes it helps
to ink the things furthest away so you can make sure the line
widths are giving it some depth and it's not just a visual bowl
of black ramen noodles.
The man in charge was very particular about the weapons
looking like actual weapons and not just cartoon symbols of
guns, to help set the story in it's own reality of the 90s. It's
a grey area ,that you just kind of know instinctively, of how
much detail and reality is required to make the difference
between a cartoon and a story happening in a cartoon world.
That's a confusing way of putting it...let me try again...the
difference between something illustrated in a cartoon style and
a cartoon? That's just as nonsensical.
...we want it to feel like a version of the actual world, not
a cartoon...
I don't know what I'm saying, I'm tired.
ANYWAYS, I was pleased with how the M16 and the Mac10 turned
out (those are super 90s action hero type weapons). I finished
the rest and sent the illustration over.
He liked it...and asked when I was adding body parts into the
I realized then, that I should have erased all of that stuff
in the tubes before sending the sketch over for approval. Now
I'm stuck drawing body parts in the tubes. I did this to myself,
you see. If I have just sent the sketch with empty tubes I
guarantee that would have went over fine, and no one would have
said "put something in the tubes"...hell, they might have just
assumed the tubes where pillars or something. For that matter I
should have just left the background blank.
But you send a sketch with a bunch a extras in there and then
you're stuck doing it. Okay...fine...at least this will make the
colorist's life a bit more difficult LOL
Let's draw some misc. body parts...where tf is that original
sketch...I'm just gonna draw them in there better and blow it
up, and trace them into the tubes with a light table and get
back to inking...
That...is a mess. Okay, maybe I'll blow it up and rearrange
things a bit. Have a nice clear drawing to move around..
What TF am I doing??? Rearranging floating guts and skinned
animals in tubes, in the background. This is way past the line
of madness now. This is like making sure all the buttons on a
telephone are in proper perspective or crap like that. I'm just
gonna draw the crap in there and get this over with.
Although...I probably should move something around to cover up
the floating woman's private parts.
You know what? NO...no I will not! I am going to draw that
tiny cartoon vagina and let them figure out how to cover it up
because this is taking way more time than it should
because...because THEY expected me to... draw... all the stuff I
had on the sketch, even though I didn't mean to...?
Somehow, I am the one being wronged here. I just have to use
more circular logic to rationalize that. and I will, SO the
cartoon vagina stays!
That's not a great cartoon vagina if I'm being honest.
Compared to the detail and precision on the guns, it's just
sorta...okay. I can defiantly do better than that. wouldn't take
much to white that out and try again. Although inking over white
out is a little tricky and....what am I talking about? I'm
concerned about the level of quality of a cartoon vagina I put
in just to be juvenile.
That's enough, let's just ink the rest and be done with it.
Okay...looks pretty good AND should be a real nightmare to
color, which is not my job this time. ha!
Good luck Don, hope
you have as much fun as I did LOL.
On a side note, I did move the alien hand/arm. Not sure how
much of a difference it made, but I feel better about it.
That's all for today. Next time I'll show you the one that
really made my eyes bleed...